Lceazy Collab

is a specialized blockchain solution brought to you by Lceazy, that helps minimize complexity and paperwork in the global supply chain.


Features You'll Come To Rely On

Letter Of Credit!

Ease Of Making & Sharing

Create, Invite & Share your letter of credit easily with all parties involved in the global supply chain & collaborate in real time with each party securely & transparently.

Approve / Reject

Easing the Approval Process

Any user can accept or reject any item in the Letter Of Credit incase the values were incorrect or the party didn't agree to the terms stated.


Check Revisions Easily

Easily check the historical values that were edited and also see all the terms / fields that were recently updated in real time.

Lceazy Ecosystem

Easy Integration

Lceazy Collab easily integrates with Lceazy so you can continue to use your favorite tools and take your work to the next level.

A Truly Global Platform

Try it out today!